
Neighborhood Student Success Center (NSSC)

February 9, 2021

Congratulations Bob, Scotty, and Joy

Dr. Bob Cermak successfully defended his dissertation, “Making Sense of Liberal Education in Nigeria: A Study of Faculty Perspectives”!

Dr. Scotty Secrist successfully defended his dissertation, “Adopting Identity-Conscious Student Success Strategies: A Vertical and Transversal Case Study of One Institution Addressing Opportunity Gaps”!

Dr. Joy Hannibal

Co-Winner: Dissertation Award 2021

Higher Education Special Interest Group

Comparative & International Education Society (CIES)

Dissertation: Finding, Creating and Following Footprints: The Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in Palau
Committee: Drs. Riyad Shahjahan (chair), Dylan Miner, Leslie Gonzales, and Marilyn Amey.