
Neighborhood Student Success Center (NSSC)

Identity Conscious

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Identity Conscious



Consortium of represented Identity Based groups designed to intentionally increase student success efforts for the represented groups and close the opportunity gaps that exist. Goals include but are not limited to increasing graduation rates, shorten time to degree, and close opportunity gaps. To close these opportunity gaps, an investment in strategies and programs that are specifically designed to promote student success in the populations that are lagging behind.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify barriers and promote practices that support the inclusion of minoritized students in establishing academic goals while collaborating to implement institutional resources.
  • Develop a sense of belonging by participating in intentional programming and initiatives that reflect specific identity-based communities supporting student persistence.
  • Foster environments that move beyond institutional silos, allowing faculty, staff, and alums to support students in navigating and interpreting institutional policies, procedures, and practices that reflect dominant ideologies.
  • Identify and participate in supportive spaces to connect with MSU faculty, staff, & peers of shared identities to promote engagement in curricular and co-curricular high-impact experiences to increase persistence and graduation rates.
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the intersections of one’s identity and positionality as it relates to student success outcomes.

Please complete the following identity consciousness form to join our listserv for the latest news and opportunities.

  • Active Communities
  • APIDA Student Success Committee
  • Black Strategic Outreach
  • First-Generation Student Success Committee
  • Latine Student Success Committee
  • Native American/Indigenous Student Success Committee
  • Veteran Student Success Committee

Future Communities

  • LGBT Student Success Committee
  • Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD) Student Success Committee
  • International Student Success Committee
  • Rural Community Student Success Committee